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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-05-26 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ 出社したら

ikezoeさんが ワコムのタブレットを受け取っていた.

_ メール


_ firefox

カーソルの動きが遅いのは,Home keyとEnd keyで補完する.

_ DSA:qpopper


_ English Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in English

googleで別の検索をしていて,見付けました.ドイツの人も英語で苦労しているのかな?! Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in English(http://www.learnenglish.de/Level1/Extras/CommonMistakes.htm)

advice vs advise | accept vs except | affect vs effect | a lot/alot/allot | altogether vs all together | been vs gone | bought vs brought | borrow vs lend | by vs until | check vs control | complement vs compliment | don't have to vs mustn't | either vs too | fewer vs less | for vs since (time) | he's vs his | "How do you do?" vs "How are you?" | I vs me | lay vs lie | look after vs look for | look at vs watch | me vs my | nor vs or | personal vs personnel | practice vs practise | raise/rise | said vs told | stationary vs stationery | to/too/two | there/their/they're |travel/trip/voyage/journey | used to vs used to do | what vs which

_ おひる

山本,黒瀬,西山,森沢,私の5名で 4ビルの Henry.パスタを.

_ [DPiS] libqdbm-ruby1.8 - QDBM Database Libraries for Ruby 1.8


QDBM is an embeded database library compatible with GDBM and NDBM. It features hash database and B+ tree database and is developed referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. This package provides the Ruby interface for the QDBM database library.

_ [DPiS] qdbm-cgi - QDBM Database CGI commands

DPiS = Debian Package in Sid の頭文字を取ったもの


This is the QDBM Database command package to be used as CGI commands.

_ export G_FILENAME_ENCODING=@locale


_ wnpp


  • Bug#305296: ITP: mkexec-2.4 -- Mini Kernel Exec extension to linux
  • Bug#305294: ITP: mkdump -- Standalone memory dump program for kernel crash