Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2005-05-23 [長年日記]
_ 天気
_ 司会
_ 書類書き.
_ 昼
_ ikuyaくんが
_ [DPiS] gitweb - web-based cogito/git version control system browser
Git is a version control system developed by Linus Torvalds. Cogito is a layer on top of Git that provides a user-friendly interface to the raw Git tools. This package provides a web interface for browsing git repositories.
_ [DPiS] webcpp - configurable utility to convert source code to HTML
A command line utility that takes your source code and converts it into an HTML file using a fully customizable syntax highlighting engine and color schemes. This is useful if you want to post your code online and make it easier to read, or to make online programming tutorials.
Converts Ada95, ASP, Assembler, Basic, C, C#, C++, Cg, CLIPS, Fortran, Haskell, Java, Markup, Modula2, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Renderman, Ruby, SQL, Tcl, Unix shell, UnrealScript & VHDL into HTML with syntax highlighting and themes.
_ [DPiS] pwc-source - source for the Philips webcams pwc driver
むむむ.これで手持ちの QV-40 が動くといいけど.
This package provides the source code for the pwc kernel module. A Kernel source >= 2.6.9 is required to compile this module.
_ [DPiS] cyrus2courier - converts Cyrus mailbox format to Maildir
cyrus2courier is a nice little tool to convert a single mailbox from Cyrus-Imap (versions 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 2.0 and 2.1.x) into the Maildir++ format used by the Courier-Imap and Dovecot IMAP servers.
Upstream page: http://www.madness.at/projects/
_ [OpenOffice.org] 勉強会にて
- checkoutするprogram の おおわくはできた.手動で動かすと checkout するまでを確認. checkout プログラムは,taniくんがまた手を入れる予定
- SUNの公式ビルドであるSRC680m104とlanguage-packを設定して,104を動かして追試.やっぱり表示できないね
_ ばんごはん