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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-06-13 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ [DPiS] ecj-bootstrap - bootstrap version of the Eclipse Java compiler

This package provides a bootstrap version of the Eclipse JDT compiler which is distributed as part of Eclipse. It passes the JCK (Java Compatibility Kit) and is compatible with Java 1.3 and 1.4.

This bootstrap version should be used for uploading initial versions of packages which are a dependency of Eclipse and build with ECJ.

_ [DPiS] proguard - java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator

ProGuard is a free Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator. It can detect and remove unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It can then optimize bytecode and remove unused instructions. Finally, it can rename the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. The resulting jars are smaller and harder to reverse-engineer.

_ [DPiS] treelang-4.0 - The GNU Treelang compiler


Treelang is a sample language, useful only to help people understand how to implement a new language front end to GCC. It is not a useful language in itself other than as an example or basis for building a new language. Therefore only language developers are likely to have an interest in it.

_ [DPiS] gnome-menus - an implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for GNOME

The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from freedesktop.org:


Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files, .directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.

_ [DPiS] sailcut - A sail design and plotting software

Sailcut CAD is a sail design and plotting software which allows you to design and visualise your own sails and compute the accurate development of all panels in flat sheets. You can export the sails you create to DXF, plaintext or Carlson plotter files.

Sailcut CAD's user interface is available in English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish and Russian.

Homepage: http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/

_ [DPiS] echelon - Tool to manage connection

Tk front-end to allow easy management for connecting (time measurement), disconnecting and fetching mails. Very easy to use and to configure. Only French language support for the moment.

_ [DPiS] gwaterfall - View all characters of font in all sizes

This program facilitates comparison of various font and font rendering parameters.

It displays the same line of text in sizes from 5 to 36px simultaneously and allows changing of font size range and increment, hinting, autohinting, anti-aliasing, subpixel smoothing, and aspect, immediately showing the changes on the screen.

_ sylpheed 2.0 beta

デフォルトでは,bogofilterと連携した SPAM 対策機能が入りました.ノウハウを学習中です.


Debian Sarge Installerは,

  • ext3
  • ext2
  • ReiserFS
  • JFS
  • XFS
  • FAT16
  • FAT32
  • Swap
  • LVM(Logical Volume Manager)の物理ボリューム
  • RAIDの物理ボリューム
  • パーティションを使わない


_ VA Linux Business Forum 2005 若手カーネル技術者(U33)によるLinuxカーネル座談会
