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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2004-12-26 [長年日記]




沖縄物語というお店にて,沖縄そば 定食.一日一食で良いぐらいにいっぱい他へさせてもらう.

_ 散髪

年末であたまをすっきりとするために散髪へ.そこのご主人はMac使いの人で,Go LiveでWeb Pageを作っているそうである.検索でひっかかるようにしたいのだけど.とIT系の話に.6年まえから,心斎橋から あびこ に移ってこられたとのこと.

_ [DPiS] tspc - Client to configure an IPv6 tunnel to freenet6

Providing tspc, a Tunnel Server Protocol Client, this Package allows an easy way to connect the machine to the 6bone.

Configured tunneling is a transition method standardized by IETF to use IPv6 in coexistence with IPv4 by encapsulating IPv6 packets over IPv4. Any host already connected to Internet with IPv4 which has an IPv6 stack can establish a link to the Internet IPv6.

FREENET6's TSP is a new model based on a client/server approach. A protocol is used to request a single IPv6 address to a full IPv6 prefix from a client to a tunnel server according to the IPv6 broker model.

へえ,これを使うと6boneへ簡単に接続できるようになるのか... IPv6 の tunnel かぁ