トップ «前の日記(2004-08-29) 最新 次の日記(2004-08-31)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2004-08-30 [長年日記]

_ 天気

雨 --- 台風のため?

_ 月曜の定例ミーティング

無事終了. --- その後, nsuzukiさんと関西オープンフォーラムのことでMTG.たよりにしてます.

_ おひる


_ ベルリン


_ 台風による警報


_ [OpenOffice.org] ooImpress

lsの結果などをooImpressにはりつけたいということをM氏と相談.結論 textエリアを作成してファイルからlsの結果を読みこむ.というもの.フォントなどの設定などは,ひながたをつくっておいておく.

_ [OpenOffice.org] ooo.ximian.com

ircにて, Miclealとmeeting して加えてもらう

_ 台風のため


_ Debian GNU/Linux Expert

Debian GNU/Linux Expertデスクトップユーススペシャル(技術評論社書籍編集部)

_ すげー風

台風... 姫路は停電か.

_ [Debian] HPがDebianをサポート

Oかもとさんの所から(http://yamaguch.sytes.net/~tora/diary/?date=20040830#p01) HPやるね (http://slashdot.jp/article.pl?sid=04/08/29/1033259)あたりがもと

_ Fedora JPの再編について


_ [DPiS] adtool - Command line utility for Active Directory administration

Features include user and group creation, deletion, modification, password setting and directory query and search capabilities.
へえ アクティブディレクトリーの管理をコマンドラインからするツールかぁ.ユーザとグループの作成,削除,変更,パスワード設定,ディレクトリー問い合わせとケーパビリティ(権限? ADのケーパビリティって何?)の検索 ができるそうな

_ [DPiS] bld - Black List Daemon, automatically build blacklists

BLD stands for "black list daemon" and is intended to build blacklists using simple rules based on a maximum number of submissions of the same IP address during a minimum time interval. BLD was primarily designed to fight against dictionnary-based spams (by making the MTA report to BLD any host that tries to send a mail to an unknown user) but can be used by any application that needs a blacklist based on connection rate limits.

_ [DPiS] ikvm - Java virtual machine/compiler implemented in .NET (Mono)

IKVM.NET is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the .NET and Mono runtimes. There are two main ways of using IKVM.NET:

Dynamically: In this mode, Java classes and jars are used directly to execute Java applications on the .NET runtime. Java bytecode is translated on the fly into CIL and no further steps are necessary. The full Java class loader model is supported in this mode.

Statically: In order to allow Java code to be used by .NET applications, it must be compiled down to a DLL and used directly. The bytecode is translated to CIL and stored in this form. The assemblies can be referenced directly by the .NET applications and the "Java" objects can be used as if they were .NET objects. While the static mode does not support the full Java class loader mechanism, it is possible for statically-compiled code to create a class loader and load classes dynamically.

.NETとMonoでのJava VMだそうな.

_ [DPiS] nant - .NET build tool similar to Ant

NAnt is different. Instead of a model where it is extended with shell-based commands, NAnt is extended using task classes. Instead of writing shell commands, the configuration files are XML-based, calling out a target tree where various tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object that implements a particular Task interface.

_ [DPiS] pnet - DotGNU C# compiler, runtime, (dis)assembler

The goal of this DotGNU project is to build a suite of free software tools to build and execute .NET applications, including a C# compiler, assembler, disassembler, and runtime engine.

_ [DPiS] pnet-compiler - DotGNU Portable.NET C# compiler & tools

The goal of this DotGNU project is to build a suite of free software tools to build and execute .NET applications, including a C# compiler, assembler, disassembler, and runtime engine. This package contains a C#, C, Java and VB compiler for compiling to IL bytecode, which can be executed by the pnet-interpreter package.

_ [DPiS] pnet-ctools - Development tools for compiling C to IL bytecode

This package provides the tools & links to the toolchain for compiling programs written in C to IL bytecode.

_ [DPiS] pnet-interpreter - DotGNU C# compiler, runtime, (dis)assembler

The DotGNU Portable.NET runtime engine, for running IL bytecode. This is used to run programs written in C#, C, or other languages compiled by the Portable.NET compiler, cscc.

_ [DPiS] freeradius-dialupadmin - set of PHP scripts for administering a FreeRADIUS server

These scripts provide a web-based interface for administering a FreeRADIUS server which stores authentication information in either SQL or LDAP.

_ [DPiS] xsupplicant - 802.1x supplicant (client)

This software allows a workstation to authenticate with a RADIUS server using 802.1x and the EAP protocol. It can be used for computers with wired or wireless LAN connections to complete a strong authentication before joining the network and supports the dynamic assignment of WEP keys.
キター.802.1xのサブリカント これで802.1xの環境てDebianも幸せになる.杉本の大学院の環境が802.1xなんです.

_ [DPiS] manpages-posix - Manual pages about using POSIX system

This package contains manual pages for POSIX utilities and keeps them in section 1 (with 1posix extension) of the on-line manual.
POSIXシステムのman pageが non-free/doc とは,これいかに

_ [DPiS] xvidcap - Screen video capture for X

A screen capture enabling you to capture videos off your X-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes. It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to tools like Lotus ScreenCam.

Video can be saved in MPEG or AVI files format.

_ [DPiS] wininfo - displays information about X windows under the mouse cursor

This is a window information utility for developers of applications, toolkits, and window managers. wininfo follows your pointer providing information about the windows below. Information presented includes:

  • - A detailed description of the window hierarchy below the pointer.
  • - Parsed interpretations of standard properties from both the application window and the window manager.
  • - Information about X server resources used by the application.

wininfo requires an X server supporting the X-Resource extension. The XFree86 server provided by Debian enables this resource by default.

Homepage: http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/wininfo
Desktopだと アプリケーションが使っているX server のリソースがわかるのはいいかもxwininfoとなにが違うのだろう.