トップ «前の日記(2005-01-10) 最新 次の日記(2005-01-12)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-01-11 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ ミーティング


_ 来客


_ 論文/RP


_ 確認


_ [DPiS] packagesearch - A GUI to allow easy searching of packages

This tool is aimed to help you search the packages you need. It should make the task of searching a pleasant experience. The new categorisation system "debtags" is supported by this tool. You can search by pattern, tags, files and installed status.

The program is not meant to be a package managment tool like synaptic.

_ [DPiS] gazpacho - GTK+ User Interface Designer

Gazpacho is one of the components of the Gruppy framework for building applications. Gazpacho is the component that provides quick and easy development of user interfaces.

The code is based on the development version of Glade. It is compatible with libglade, writing XML files that specify the interface to be created in run-time.

Homepage: http://gruppy.sicem.biz/componentes#gazpacho


_ scim-skk

試してみた.scimをctrl+spcで起動するには,krxvtはok, ktermだと起動しないので,ちょっちまよった.何か私の設定が悪いにちがいない.ノートでは,scim-anthy, desktopだと scim-skk, Emacsの上ではNICOLA-skk という異種格闘技戦みたいなことになっている.ながなか楽しい.