トップ «前の日記(2004-10-26) 最新 次の日記(2004-10-28)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2004-10-27 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ cgiirc


_ ちょっとしたまちがい

chmod で リカーシブに モードを変えたくて -r のオプションを付けると read権がなくなるという罠

_ key sign


_ 明日へのメモ

_ CWS quickhowto


_ Louisへの提案書


_ お昼


_ mmeeksさんのissue

(http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=35641) X font まわりっぽい

_ scim+prime


_ [DPiS] kernel-patch-2.6-gnbd - Global network block device - kernel patch

This package contains the patches necessary for compiling the GNBD kernel modules.
これに関係するみたい.Global File Systemか. (http://gfs.wikidev.net/GNBD_installation)

_ [DPiS] suphp-common - Common files for mod suphp


Suphp consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp for either apache 1.3.x or apache 2.x) and a setuid root binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the process executing the PHP interpreter to the owner of the php script.

_ [DPiS] cvstrac - Low-ceremony bug tracker for medium-sized projects under CVS


CVSTrac implements a low-ceremony Web-based bug and patch-set tracking system for use with CVS. Features include automatic changelog generation, repository change history browsing, user-defined bug database queries, Wiki pages, and Web-based administration of the CVSROOT/passwd file. CVSTrac is a stand-alone C program that operates either as CGI or as its own Web server.

Author: D. Richard Hipp

Homepage: http://www.cvstrac.org/

_ [DPiS] pstack - Display stack trace of a running process


pstack dumps a stack trace for a process, given the pid of that process. If the process named is part of a thread group, then all the threads in the group are traced.

Upstream: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/SRPMS/

Or: http://www.whatsis.com/pstack/

_ [DPiS] helix-player - The Helix Community's open source media player

The Helix Player is a complete, free and open source media player built in the Helix Community for consumers and licensed under your choice of three options: open source (RPSL), commercial community source (RCSL), and the free software GNU General Public License (GPL). Built using GTK, it plays open media formats, like Ogg Vorbis and Theora, H.261, H.263, GIF, JPEG, PNG, RealText and SMIL using the powerful Helix DNA Client Media Engine.

This package includes the mozilla plugin of the Helix Player.

Homepage: http://player.helixcommunity.org

_ [DPiS] schooltool - Common architecture independent files for the SchoolTool server

SchoolTool is a project to develop a common global school administration infrastructure that is freely available under an Open Source licence.

This package contains the architecture independent parts of the SchoolTool server.

Homepage: http://www.schooltool.org/

(http://www.schooltool.org/) これが日本で使えるものが私には判断できないけど,kakoさん あたりに聞いてみよう.

_ [DPiS] gtk-imonc - monitor and control 'fli4l' one-diskette routers

Gtk-imonc is a remote control utility for FLI4L, a popular Linux-based one-diskette DSL/ISDN-router (see http://www.fli4l.de/). Gtk-imonc works with version 2 of imond (the controlling daemon on the fli4l router). It integrates well into the GNOME desktop. (Separate clients for KDE and WindowMaker also exist)

Gtk-imonc displays, online status, traffic info, router status, calls and connections when logging is activated on the router. You can control dialing, system shutdown, different circuits (LCR), channel bundling, hup-timeout of ipppd devices

_ 華燭の典
