Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2004-09-30 中間発表の日 [長年日記]
_ 今頃ですが
_ [OpenOffice.org][Debian] EPM
OpenOffice.org 2.0のNative Installerがサポートする形式.本家は(http://www.easysw.com/epm/)みたい.Debian Packageだと(http://packages.debian.org/stable/devel/epm.ja.html)です.Debianと親和性が良くなるといいな.
_ 全国の天気で注意報や警報を調べる
_ [DPiS] libamazon-ruby - a Ruby library for programmatic access to the Amazon website
Ruby/Amazon allows Ruby programs to fetch data from the popular Amazon website via the REST (XML over HTTP) based Amazon Web Services. In addition to the original amazon.com site, the amazon.co.uk, amazon.de and amazon.co.jp properties are also supported.
_ [DPiS] libgstreamer0.8-ruby - GStreamer 0.8 bindings for the Ruby language
GStreamer is a media processing framework with support for a wide variety of data sources, sinks, and formats through the use of dynamically loaded plugins. This package contains libraries for using GStreamer with the Ruby programming language.
_ [DPiS] libgtksourceview1-ruby - GTKSourceView bindings for the Ruby language
GTKSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ text widget. This package contains libraries for using GStreamer with the Ruby programming language.
_ [DPiS] libpanel-applet2-ruby - GNOME 2 panel applet library bindings for the Ruby language
The GNOME panel applet library is used by applets which sit on the GNOME Panel. This package contains libraries for using the panel applet library with the Ruby programming language.
_ KOF:腕章の代り
なかなか良い感じでミーティング終了. 10cm x 10cmのケース(台紙と紐込み)で100個7000円ぐらいとのこと.