Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2003-12-27 [長年日記]
_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。
_ 01:16 PM #286 mozillaの拡張機能(エクステンション)
mozillaにもジェスチャーの機能あったんだ。tabの拡張機能といい、うれしいなあ。コレでまた、快適ですよmozilla-mozgest - Mozilla mouse gestures add-on
Adds an option to control navigation in the mozilla webbrowser and/or mozilla-firebird with simple mouse movements (AKA "gestures" or mouse strokes)
Mouse gestures are also implemented in the popular webbrowser Opera, and the window manager FVWM2
mozilla-tabextensions - Tabbed browsing extensions for Mozilla
Tabextensions is a Mozilla extension which enhances the tabbed browsing experience with lots of neat features, such as support for reordering tabs, opening pop-up windows in tabs, single window mode, open each bookmark in a folder in a different tab, and much more...