Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2003-09-26 [長年日記]
_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。
_ [DPiS] 05:29 PM #279:DPiS:pupa - The next generation of GNU GRUB
DPiSは, Debian Package in Sidの略です。pupa - The next generation of GNU GRUB
PUPA is the Preliminary Universal Programming Architecture for GRUB. It is a research project for the next generation of GNU GRUB. The most important goal is to make GNU GRUB cleaner, safer, more robust, more powerful, and more portable.
This package contains experimental software which doesn't have all the expected features (In particular, it doesn't support Ext2fs).For a stable and usable bootloader look at GRUB instead.