Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/03)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。
_ [Debian] #318 mozilla-firefox
_ [Debian] 08:03 PM #317 swatch-helper4debian
swatchをよりDebianで使いやすくするように、シェルスクリプト などをつくって、Debianizeしてみました。 /etc/init.d/swatch-helper4debian start/stop/restart などが使えるようにしています。 人柱で、試してみてくださいな apt-lineに # # swatch-helper4debian # deb http://openoffice.gscc.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~yabuki/stable ./ deb-src http://openoffice.gscc.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~yabuki/stable ./ を追加してくださいな。 参考URL http://www.may.sakuraweb.com/~zaki/linux/swatch.html
_ [DPiS] 10:46 AM #316 DPiS:netscript-2.4 ルータ/防火壁設定ツール
netscript-2.4 - Linux 2.4.x (and 2.6.x) router/firewall network configuration systemThis is a router and firewall network configuration system. It is specific to the 2.4.x iand 2.6.x kernel series. This system is in production use, even though this is an experimentalversion.
It offers much finer grained control of the network setup than the standard system in netbase, with support for bridge configuration, iptables, ip route and tc traffic control. It is optimised for use on high traffic routers with interfaces being reconfigured individually while the rest of the machine is routing traffic 24x7. Common boiler plate filter creation functions are provided to ease th task of constructing iptables filters in the context of operation within an ISP network.
Since this package is designed for a heavy duty network router, it is designed to work in conjunction with a routing daemon as found in the zebra package.
DON'T use this on a server - it is designed for dedicated routers and firewalls with hardly any configured services. For the faint of heart, have a look at the mason package.
_ [DPiS] #315 amrita(HTML/XMLテンプレート)
libamrita-ruby1.8 - HTML/XML template library for Ruby 1.8Amrita is an html/xhtml template library for Ruby. It makes html documents from a template and model data.
- The template for amrita is a pure html/xhtml document without special tags like or
- The template can be written by designers using almost any html editor.
- There's no need to change Ruby code to modify the view of the _dynamic_ part of the template (or the static portion).
- The model data may be any standard Ruby data-- a Hash, Array, String... or an instance of any user-defined class.
- The output is controlled by _data_, not by logic-- so it's easy to write, test, and debug code. (Good for eXtremeProgramming)
- The html template can be compiled into Ruby code before execution with little effort.
Amrita uses a template and model data to create an html document by naturally matching the +id+ attribute of an html element to model data.
This package is for Ruby 1.8.
_ [DPiS] #314 DPiS: ポスグレのEXPLAINを視覚化するツール
rhdb-explain - Tool for visualizing the output of the PostgreSQL EXPLAIN commandThis package contains Visual Explain, a tool for visualizing the output of the PostgreSQL EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE commands. EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE show the users the query plan that a PostgreSQL backend produces for a given optimizable query. The default form of this plan is a plain-text tree, which, while easy to read for simple queries, becomes progressively more difficult to interpret as query complexity increases. By visualizing the text output of EXPLAIN/EXPLAIN ANALYZE in an appropriate manner, the difficulty of interpreting query plans drops significantly.
Homepage: http://sources.redhat.com/rhdb/visualexplain.html
_ 天気
_ ネタあつめ
_ おひるごはん
居酒屋日本にて,フライ定食.その後,ジュンク堂にてSoftware Design 4月号を購入.
_ [DPiS] davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
DAVFS2 is a Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system. It allows files in a remote Web resource to be edited using standard applications that interact with the file system (e.g. text editors). It uses coda for file system operations and the neon library for WebDAV access. It supports SSL and proxy servers.
The code is based on uservfs (uservfs.sf.net).
_ [DPiS] fapg - Fast Audio Playlist Generator
FAPG is a tool to generate list of audio files (Wav, MP3, Ogg, etc) in various formats (M3U, PLS, HTML, etc).
_ [DPiS] xchat-systray - xchat systray notification icon
Plugin for IRC client X-Chat which adds an icon in your systray that flashes when you got highlighted message. Configurable events and actions.
Integrates with KDE, GNOME and XFce4.
_ [DPiS] netmrg - network monitoring tool
NetMRG is a database-driven network monitoring and graphing tool for use on Linux systems. It offers an intuitive web-based configuration, customized monitoring capabilities for unusual situations, a fast multi-threaded polling application, and brilliant graphs rendered by RRDTOOL.
_ お湯を沸かすのにも最小のコストで済むには、量によって異なる。いわんや、コンピュータに対する問題解決はどうか。
_ memo:How to Run a Small Conference
(http://www.chadfowler.com/2007/3/26/how-to-run-a-small-conference) やっぱり、カンファレンスと名がつくとけっこう大仕掛けがいるので、何か忘れてないか思い出すには便利かも。
_ Symbol MC70 Mobile Computer
これの、型番違いが Vancouver の PostOffice で使われようとしているみたい。日本では、あまり聞かないタイプの製品ですね。ハンディターミナルよりは上位の機種になるのかな。スマートフォンとハンディーターミナルを融合させたような感じか。
_ debconf 7
参加の reconfirm 完了
_ 良かれと思って追い詰めてしまうと....
特殊清掃「戦う男たち」 --- Fight 〜父の苦悩〜(http://blog.goo.ne.jp/clean110/e/77bde618f806e353035eb497db91d79f)
_ IPAの調査:IT人材「量は十分、質が足りない」
_ Debian で usb wireless network adapter #2
11nでのusb wireless network adapterの続き。usb wireless の 11n を使うのは、(http://wiki.debian.org/rt2870sta)を見ればよいといくやさんから教えてもらう。
_ インターネット辞めました。
_ ss [このBlogの文章は、自宅からのインターネットアクセスをやめたということでしょうか(矢吹さんに聞くの変だけど)。 読..]