Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
_ うへ
_ [DPiS] wsola - Allows one to speed/slow audio without altering its pitch
It speeds up or slows down audio, without pitch alteration. WSOLA operates usingthe Waveform Similarity overlap add method [1].
[1] @InProceedings{Verhelst:1993,
author = {Verhelst, W. and Roelands, M.},
title = {An overlap-add technique based on waveform similarity
(WSOLA) for high quality time-scale modification of speech},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Pr ocessing},
pages = {554-557},
year = {1993},
volume = {2},
month = {April} }
_ [DPiS] gpsd - GPS (Global Positioning System) service daemon
gpsd is a userland daemon acting as a liaison between a GPS or Loran-C receiver and clients. The receiver is expected to generate position information as NMEA-0183 sentences, or Rockwell binary format, although that can be changed.
gpsd listens on port 2947 for clients requesting position, time, velocity or altitude information. gpsd can take information from the GPS and translate it into something easier to understand for clients.
For a couple of test clients, install the gpsd-clients package.
Homepage: http://gpsd.berlios.de/
_ [DPiS] gpsd-clients - Test clients for the GPS service daemon
gpsd is a userland daemon acting as a liaison between a GPS or Loran-C receiver and clients. The receiver is expected to generate position information as NMEA-0183 sentences, or Rockwell binary format, although that can be changed.
This package includes a GPS tester, called xgps. It simply connects to the daemon and displays your latitude, longitude, altitude, and the signal quality from visible satellites. When the GPS emits GSV, it will show a diagram of satellites in their current position in the sky.
xgpsspeed is a speedometer that uses position information from the GPS.
The gpsprobe program queries GPSes for their capabilities and generates a gnuplot recipe for an error scattergram to stdout.
Homepage: http://gpsd.berlios.de/
_ [Debian][OpenOffice.org] global
SRC680_m65を大学の研究用サーバーにもっていって ~/src/SRC680_m65/ にソースツリーを展開しておく
yabuki@m03uc530-02:~/src/SRC680_m65$ gtags
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+177 ./sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+122 ./soltools/inc/gen_info.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+67 ./binfilter/bf_sc/source/ui/inc/sumctl.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+179 ./binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+570 ./binfilter/bf_starmath/source/starmath_view.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+585 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdio.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+1252 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpage.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+177 ./sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+122 ./soltools/inc/gen_info.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+67 ./binfilter/bf_sc/source/ui/inc/sumctl.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+179 ./binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+570 ./binfilter/bf_starmath/source/starmath_view.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+585 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdio.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+1252 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpage.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+177 ./sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+122 ./soltools/inc/gen_info.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+67 ./binfilter/bf_sc/source/ui/inc/sumctl.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+179 ./binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/inc/propbag.hxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+570 ./binfilter/bf_starmath/source/starmath_view.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+585 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdio.cxx]
Warning: #if block unmatched. reseted. [+1252 ./binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpage.cxx]
yabuki@m03uc530-02:~/src/SRC680_m65$ htmake --url=http://openoffice.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~yabuki/SRC680_m65/HTML/ /home/yabuki/src/SRC680_m65/を実行する.ps auxwww | lvの結果から
yabuki 2447 0.0 0.2 2348 1160 pts/2 S 09:59 0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/htmake --url=http://openoffice.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~yabuki/SRC680_m65/HTML/ /home/yabuki/src/SRC680_m65/
yabuki 2451 18.2 1.1 7404 6056 pts/2 D 09:59 7:24 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/htags -f --action=http://m03uc530-02.gscc.osaka-cu.ac.jp/cgi-bin/gsearch.cgi --id=SRC680_m651103763568 --nocgi /home/yabuki/src/SRC680_m65
yabuki 2507 0.0 0.1 2024 884 pts/2 S 10:30 0:00 sh -c global -nx ".*" | sort +0 -1 +2 -3 +1n -2
yabuki 2509 0.2 0.1 1396 560 pts/2 S 10:30 0:01 sort +0 -1 +2 -3 +1n -2
_ globalつづき
The user that you run htmake as _must_ have write permission for the file /var/gsearch/pathdata -- since there are many ways to arrange this I have left it entirely up to the sysadmin to do - if you do htconfig -I to install files as root, then by default only root can write to this file.
_ [大学院] 登校
別人の研究で,初めて(http://www.pango.org/)のWeb Pageを読む.以下はIntroductionからの引用.IPAで用意した,m17n lib(http://www.m17n.org/)との関係は論文だけだろうか.
The goal of the Pango project is to provide an open-source framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized text. Pango is an offshoot of the GTK+ and GNOME projects, and the initial focus is operation in those environments, however there is nothing fundamentally GTK+ or GNOME specific about Pango. Pango uses Unicode for all of its encoding, and will eventually support output in all the worlds major languages.
_ 知っとこ!世界の朝ご飯
人参、きゃべつ、(タマネギや、ハーブも入っていたようだが)などの野菜を一口大などに切って、鍋で煮込む。挽肉に、タマネギ(炒めたもの), 卵を割入れて、塩、胡椒を入れて肉団子のタネを作る。良く混ぜたら、一口大に丸めて、小麦粉をまぶす。それを鍋に入れてひと煮たちさせて、肉団子が上に上がってきたら火が通った証拠。エストニア風肉団子スープ(Frikadellisupp)。(http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/ubbs/archive/SOUPS/Miscellaneous_Frikadellisupp_.html)
_ Debian での SSL 証明書の作成。
Debianでの SSL 証明書の作り方を知りたい場合、Debian Weekly Newsでの記事からだと(http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2005/45/index.ja.html)Debian での SSL 証明書の作成。 あるユーザが、証明書に関する警告をブラウザが出さないようにするための自己サイン SSL 証明書の作成・使用に関する文書を書き、SSL 証明書や証明機関 (CA) の作成方法を詳しく説明しました。CA 証明書の配布方法や、新規に作成した鍵や証明書を使用するよう Apache を設定する方法も記されています。ここで紹介されていたのは下記、下記は英文だが解りやすい内容。 Creating and Using a self signed SSL Certificates in debian (http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/284)
_ 忘年会
本日の忘年会は、本町にて。スペイン料理。Los sitios(http://www.medic-web.jp/shop/s10001269/index.html)