When you push POWER BUTTON, most old PCs may turn off PC's power instantly.
I think it is not good for PC UNIX and beginners.
If your machine has Intel 82371AB( or 82371EB),
your Linux Box may be Shutdown by Power Button !!
Of course only software!
Get "diskimage-19990826.gz" , do gunzip, prepare 1440kb FD and write image. $ls diskimage-19990826.gz ... $gzip -d diskimage-19990826.gz As root. #fdformat /dev/fd0u1440 #dd if=diskimage-19990826 of=/dev/fd0 And boot from this FD. Login as root. Do "chkpw" command. Push POWER BUTTON. If display message as "Power Button pressed ...", good!, your machine can shutdown by POWER BUTTON!( if use this package )